- and then woke up very late for work, hahahahahah.
- arrived at the ofx 10 AM, got plenty of cipika-cipiki, hihihihihi
- kind of a mad day at the ofx, last day of WOC and ppl started to ask for tours. bakuat Kak Jacquie!
- went out during lunch to buy kolintang and musik bambu CDs for US embassy farewell party for the evening. Kak Liany sms-d back and forth about some cute embassy guys who were having lunch at a RM minahasa in front of the ofx, hahahahahahahah
- after lunch, shifting minds between responding emails and tha farewell party.
- also, catching up with friends with all those happy bday greetings at FB. it appears to be a tough job, hahahha
- it's the farewell party indeed!!! Thanks much Kak Jacquie! got at the 11th floor of sintesa at 7pm. managed to take pic with Mr Hume (he-he). hang out. chill out. nice music (where's the kolintang and musik bambu i desperately went out looking for during lunch, d-oh?). nice people. more pics at Rina and Virgie, hopefully they share those soon. a glass of vin blanc really soothes out my day, should-ve asked for more to Wade, *sigh*....what a very good break!
- the party's just end, but the night was still young! went down at the hotel lounge, more talks. there was a bentenan fashion show (from the blocking models? i saw terry around...), kinda cute.....there was this one girl model who always smiled on seeing Wade. (Tracy: "I think she likes you..!") ha-ha
- 11th floor, then G floor, and then heading down to B floor....its time to loosen up those voices, boys and gals!!!!! almost all those chicky Rihanna songs (typical), but then everybody got really warmed up during Spice Up Your Life! what a very good break (and wonderful birthday!) indeed!!!!
- tiredness strike all of us sometimes before midnite......but everyone still managed to dance around the gleaming alleys of deluxe. more pics (oh please Kak Virgie....)
- took a blue cab. arrived home past midnite already.
what a day.....
for your eyes only....(me, Mr Costa, Mr Hume, Liany, Fenny)

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