Monday, September 1, 2008

we are really always on the presence of God... told in one of the greatest literature work of all time, from around 6 BC:

O Lord,
Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;

if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,

if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.

(Psalm 139)

On Being a Lasallian.... or a YLCer...?

An interesting thing happened during the celebration night of my Uni's 8th anniversary:

Each of the 6 faculties (Engineering, Agriculture, Maths and Natural Sciences, Economics, Law and Nursing) were given a sheet of fabric for students and staff to write on their comments and intentions to help improving the Uni in years to come. Each faculty were then appointed representatives, to share their intentions in front of the whole gathering that were present that night.

Amidst all the comments (I'm proud to be a Lasallian, Viva La Salle, and various 'requests' to the rectorate), reps from Law Faculty (yep...I'ma shout it out loud here!!) shared this:

"No YLC! It represents no aspiration."

What a comment.

Who are we to be commented such, anyway?

*YLC: stands for Young Lasallian Corps, a local Lasallian youth group doing their actions inspired by the Lasallian charism (not an official definition). I've been working with the group (as a student) for almost 5 years.*

Later that night, a friend from the said faculty texted me, "Sorry for the comment."

I replied, "It's nothing. We don't really convey any aspiration, right?" (Which in my honest thought: Conveying aspiration? Why don't see the student council if you want to be heard better? It's not that we don't deliver aspirations....we've been doing more things than the council, and now you're expecting us to accomodate ALL aspirations...???!??!)

She texted back, "No. The 'No YLC' comment IS the aspiration. If there's YLC, it means there's differentiation. Yet without having to be a member, students are already a YLCers, right?"

She got a point there. But just not THE point.

Yes, traditionally we say that everyone, every student, every staff who is attending or been to a La Salle school or is working with the Brothers, is a Lasallian. So why need a Lasallian youth group if we're ALL Lasallians...?

The Lasallian charism of Faith, Service and Community itself is very simple, since it carries good moral values. But to claim that one is a Lasallian just because of those values, or because one attends a La Salle school, or is involved in a La Salle mission, is - to me - not that simple.

I myself got shocked of the 'No YLC' comment. Other members of the group were shocked too. And the 'differentiation' thing got me thinking, "True, why need a 'Lasallian' youth group if we're all Lasallians...?"

Two of my lecturers, Jean-Paul and Marie-Laure gave me an insight on how to comment on the differentiation matter, and this is my reply text to my friend from Law, and to my other fellows in the YLC:

"(If you're talking about we're all Lasallians,) True. We're all (can claim ourselves) Lasallians. And true, there IS differentiation. But it's only a matter of interest. There are students who like sports, or music, or camping...they join the respected student activity clubs. But others want more.

I'm sure plenty of our students are grown-up enough to be aware of it. Yet if there's any negative comment, we can only be thankful that still there are people who are paying attention on us, right..?

Dont' you get the message? Lasallians, NOT exclusively YLC, should touch hearts, teach minds, transform lives. YLC is just a NAME some people choose to identify their actions, their movements, but it's not their identity. In a De La Salle school, there should remain only one identity: Lasallian, and everyone may choose to live their own interpretation of it.

We've chosen our way, and we are proud of it.

But one thing I know that's not Lasallian: resentment towards ur fellow. Right...? It's your call =) "

Members of the group replied to me in various ways, like:
"Thanks worried, we'll carry on!"
"Okay! Let the flame forever burn.... Let's continue, remember new students keep on asking for more forms? hahahaha"
"Yup, this is truly a calling. If not, I would've been quit long time ago!"
"Hearing what they said, it made me even more burned-up!"
"I can only think that those people are pathetic...."
"I love you guys...;) "

Hahahahaha.Yup. No matter what they tell us, we're firm what we believe is true. If students like to take part and join, oh how they are welcomed! But if they want to bring us down....we'd get up again!

So...what's your call? ~_*